One-on-One Coaching

This is about you. Yes, you.

If you’re not sure about group classes or about trying a monthly subscription and you simply need some time and space for a transformation to take place, one-on-one coaching is perfect for you.

It’s your time to share with me what you’re dealing with and how we can take action and build new, sustainable habits for a better tomorrow.


About One-On-One Coaching

This is a high-caliber one on one experience.

Be prepared for a truly hands-on experience in the kitchen with Beth.

This package is tailored to the individual and their needs and goals but includes: weekly ZOOM coaching sessions, daily accountability via VOXER, access to both POWERSHIFT and the MemberSHIFT container, and discounts on all Kitchen Shift supplements.


If you are tired of saying- I will start next week, or next month- and it never happens… This is the program for YOU

I LOVE to go deep with clients! I see so much success with my one to one clients when we drill into the 8 pillars of health and make little shifts in each category. Consistency is key and with this program, I offer that daily nudge. Its amazing what can be accomplished in 6 months! I have seen women absolutely TRANSFORM their lives. They not only lose weight but feel confident, centered and happy. Anxiety around food disappears. They find joy in cooking, and self care habits. They know on a deep level what works for them.

IS THIS SOMETHING YOU DESIRE?? Then we should schedule a consultation!

Email Beth at and we will get started! There is no better time than today to be begin a healthy journey!

What fans are saying:


“This is the longest I’ve stuck with anything. Thanks for the motivation, friend!”

— Michelle


“Since POWERSHIFT I have lost 25 pounds thanks to your education on how to listen to my body’s cues”

— Devon

Follow us @KitchenShift