Preparing for an Abundant New Year

Happy New Year Friends!

Can you believe we are already well into another New Year?  Time really does fly and the speed definitely seems to increase with each year I get older (darn it!)

I have set many intentions this New Year and blogging on the Kitchen Shift site with some regularity is on the list.  My hope is to check in a little more thoroughly with these posts than I do on social media.  Most importantly my goal is to provide you with ideas, recipes, tips, and sometimes just thought provoking goodness to make your life a little richer! 

So here goes!

This morning, I awoke and read a passage in ‘The Book of Awakening’ by Mark Nepo. (Another resolution on the list!)   This book is a gift I received from my close friend Michelle Hollingshead (who is also a talented business coach!)  The cool thing about this book is that there is a passage for each day of the year- but it can be repeated!   I am entering my third year using this same book and as life happens- the passages bring a different message each time.  It’s amazing how perspective can change as we grow.  

Today’s passage was the second day in a row he writes of FEAR.  Let me share a small paragraph:

“Consider how each of us is blinded by what we fear.  If we fear heights, we are blind to the humility vast perspectives bring.  If we fear spiders, we are blind to the splendor and danger of webs.  If we fear small spaces, we are blind to the secrets of sudden solitude.  If we fear passion, we are blind to the comfort of Oneness.  If we fear change, we are blind to the abundance of life.  If we fear death, we are blind to the mystery of the unknown.  And since to fear something is thoroughly human, to be blind is unavoidable.  It is what each of us must struggle to overcome.”

This is the line that caught my eye and that I repeated several times this morning.

“If we fear change, we are blind to the abundance of life”

When I sat down to write this blog post yesterday, it was going to be on my Dryuary January.  I wrote about this personal journey quite a bit on Facebook last year.  However, I struggled as I sat in my office with what to share that would provide some new information.  Last year, I shared that wine is my jam.  And I don’t have a drinking problem but find even a single glass of wine impacts my health and mental capacity the next day.  I am simply not living my best version of me when I am drinking.  But here is something new to share.  I fear what February will bring.  Here is why.

Let me give you a little background.  This past December- I let loose.  I started off pretty disciplined but around the middle of the month, I said screw it and found myself eating and drinking more than I normally do.  Fast forward to my week at the beach between Christmas and New Years and it was game on.  Margaritas, wine, beer, and frozen mojitos were prepared and poured each day.  My husband is a master Vitamix drink blender by the way… a dangerous man to have in the house!  I enjoyed it all BUT every night and around 4:00am each early morning I had regret.  With a somewhat dry mouth and an achy stomach, I would ask myself these questions. 

Why did I drink when it makes me feel so crappy?  Why did I drink when I know it makes me lazy and disconnected the next day?  Why do I drink alcohol with ZERO nutritional value yet take great care to pick the right foods at every meal for my body? If I care so much about my health, why is there space for this?   I began to LONG for January to arrive.  I couldn’t wait.  While others were dreading the holidays ending- I was chomping at the bit.

So here we are on mid-January and no surprise- I feel AMAZING.  I am waking up at 5:30am each morning rested.  My sleep is deep and consistent.  I head straight to my morning mediation and begin my day with great intention rather than regret.  I am recovering from really hard workouts faster.  And I am noticing a strength and speed in my training that wasn’t there in December.  I am noticing my skin looks better.  I am admiring my abs in the mirror each morning when I exit the shower (wine in particular bloats me like NOTHING ELSE!).  I am noticing I am more patient with my kids.  I am noticing my attention to detailed projects is improved.  You get the picture.  Life is better.

So why am I scared?  Here it is.  I am afraid I will fall back to regular wine drinking in February.  

“If we fear change, we are blind to the abundance of life”

So here is what I have decided.  Focusing on the fear of failing is not how I will be successful on February 1st.  Focusing on the ABUNDANCE OF LIFE is where it’s at.  I want an abundant life.  I believe in me and my gifts. I have a passion for health and want to share that with everyone willing to receive it.  My life is busy as a wife and a mother and my time is limited.  If I am going to bring these gifts, something has to give.  It might have to be wine.

 So how does this relate to you?  How does me going on and on about quitting my wine drinking help you- especially if you don’t even drink!   Because we all have that one thing we are trying to quit- but can’t.  Because we are so focused on the loss of that THING rather than the ABUNDANCE of LIFE that awaits.  It might be something food related like sugar, or soda or binging on a bag of chips.  But it might be something totally different- like changing your job, or your network of friends or how you spend your free time (social media and attachment to the phone is a common one these days)  Whatever it may be- I challenge you to SHIFT your mindset from the fear of this change- to the abundance this change may bring. 

Wishing you a Happy and Healthy and Abundant Year.  I am so excited for what is ahead for both of us! 


How I Got Caught with My D Down


Welcome to the Self-Love Club