At Kitchen Shift my clients follow the guidance of 8 Pillars of Health. To dive in and explore these Pillars is an invitation to explore you! We are each uniquely designed and these Pillars go deep and can uncover places you have been “stuck” that a diet never will!

In the coming weeks- I want to give you a peek into some of the education I offer clients around these Pillars. 

PILLAR 2 - Exercise and Movement

Here is some real talk- at the risk of sounding arrogant- but I am going to just say it….

I don’t look my age. In fact, many often mistaken me for being 15 years younger than my actual age. And I KNOW movement has had an enormous hand in this. Of course, my nutrition is on point. I truly enjoy the taste of good healthy food and love preparing it myself which puts me at a huge health advantage. But eating clean doesn’t build muscle on its own. It doesn’t develop a resting heart rate in the 40’s (that of a well- trained athlete) and it doesn’t allow me to live pain free with flexibility and mobility that most my age only dream of.

 Yes. I owe this to movement.

Movement comes in many forms and the one thing I have come to appreciate is that we need variety. Think of movement like a multi-vitamin. This is frustrating news for some as we want to push the easy button when it comes to our health. But my years of personal experience matched with research confirms we need a little bit of it all. I am not a certified trainer but consider myself a professional participant in exercise. 

In my mind- it’s broken down into these categories:

  • Weight training/resistance- Free weights, bands, TRX- anything that creates a load or resistance for the body to push, pull, or lift. Great for bone density, building muscle and neurological health.

  • Cardio/ HIIT- Cardio gets a bad rap these days but there is enough research to support that it is a necessary piece to longevity. Nothing makes my brain happier than HIIT. Helpful with blood pressure, mood, and heart health- it should be a part of your weekly routine.

  • LISS- Low Intensity Sustained State- A fancy word for walking! Or doing something at a pace where you can have a conversation. I am not sure there is a better way to lose weight or to lower anxiety than good old-fashioned walking.

  • Stretching/Mobility/Core- This is where I categorize Pilates, yoga, and mobility work. Important when nursing an injury, preventing an injury and can offer cortisol lowering benefits as it involves more breathe work. Make no mistake- both Pilates and yoga can fit into resistance and HIIT depending on class and instructor.



  1. Take each of the above on a test drive and see what feels best. Then focus on that one for a month. Make it your non-negotiable. Make it part of your identity. It’s WHAT YOU DO and WHO YOU ARE.

  2. Do not worry about adding anything else in. Just create some consistency with that one modality. Maybe you find a great HIIT style class and you find time in your schedule to attend it 3x a week. Start there. Do not add pressure to fill in the other days until you make a habit out of those three. I have been training at the same place every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday since 2012!! Yes- the past 11 years, I have worked my schedule around that single class to make it happen.  Why? Because I feel like a superhero every time I finish class. I have never completed a workout there and regretted it. So, I have made it part of my life. Like washing my hair, brushing my teeth and drinking coffee. It’s going to happen! My LISS, my mobility work- I fill in on my own or outside of that- but this class is the non- negotiable. 

  3. Find your “people”. By “your people” I mean- find a trainer, a workout partner, or a small group that match your vibe; that align with your intensity and goals. Find the people who text you when you don’t show up for two classes. Be the person who does the same. This is more than accountability. This is tribe mentality. It’s a need that is deeply rooted in us as humans and will lend to greater mental satisfaction in the process (Yes- being happy is linked to all of this longevity/looking hot stuff!)

  4. Think two steps ahead. OHHHHH how I preach this with food. Do not give into the immediate craving but connect with how food will feel an hour after you consume it. In the same way- work to really associate working out with how you feel AFTER you complete it. If you focus on how challenging it is- you aren’t going to get your sports bra and shoes on. No one wants to invite struggle. Instead, shift your mindset to the reward. Dial into that desire to feel good. Deeply good. The good where you have no anxiety, you can’t help but smile, and you fall into your bed at night like your 8-year-old after playing at the pool all day. That kind of good.

Speaking of getting started… did you know I offer a few short home workouts in my 10-day program called POWERSHIFT? These are workouts you can do at home, at a park or at a hotel gym. In POWERSHIFT I also push LISS- AKA walking or “getting steps” in each and every day. It’s a great way to ride the wave of a craving (like sugar or wine at night) and can really improve sleep.

Want to see what is coming next? My 8 Pillars of Health can be found here.




